Thursday, August 19, 2010

Why One Should Not Cease Teaching and Writing

"Preach the word, be instant in season, one of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and doctrine." 2 Tim. 4:2
If you  consider how earnestly God enforces his holy word, you would sincerely fear God, and ever abide in his commands. No one can escape them. If we do not desire grace, light, truth, righteousness, salvation, true religion, life, the kingdom, blessings and God himself, we must, by his righteousness judgment, doubtlessly inherit disgrace, darkness, falsehood, unrighteousness and idolatry--and hereafter eternal damnation, death, hell, malediction, and the devil himself.
So for the sake of Christ and the church, you must not hold your tongue, but must tell the truth, let righteousness go forth as a light, and their salvation burn as a torch, and that thus all mankind may acknowledge the righteousness of the Lord, and all tongues, generations, and people confess his glory.
Outside of his divine word there is no salvation, therefore one cannot be silent; for the honor and praise of God are at stake, and it avails the salvation of a brother.
First reason to write is that we desire, according to God--that no bishop, pastor, or teacher be permitted into the chruch of God and teach and administer the sacrements of the Lord, other than those who are comprised in the doctrine, ordinance and life of Christ.
Secondly, that we desire, even at the cost of life and blood--to preach and teach the holy gospel of Christ through all the world with ardent hearts. (Matt. 28:19, Mk. 16:15).
Thirdly to seek, teach, and desire a true faith and Christian life conformable to the doctrine of Christ and his apostles. 
Fourthly, to teach and seek a right Christian baptism--first with spirit and fire (Lk. 3:16) afterward in the water, in obedience to faith, to receive remission of sins--for thus has Christ Jesus commanded all the believing--and thus the apostles administered and taught it.
Fifthly to seek and desire a woman's role in the church, home, and public.
Sixthly, to abolish strange ceremonies and manners of worship which are without the word of God that the ignorant populace may no longer be deceived by vain works which are nothing short of idolatry--but that they may put their faith in the living God and his son, Jesus, that they walk in his divine commandment, not varying to the right or the left; for in him is life everlasting, (Jn. 12:50) and in none other.
Seventh, we desire to teach that all magistrates, emperors, kings, dukes, counts, barons, mayors, knights and other officers may be taught and trained by the spirit and word of God, that they may sincerely seek, honor, fear, and serve Christ Jesus, the true head of all lords and rulers--that they may rightly administer their office, and use the sword given them of God, in his fear and in brotherly love, to the praise of God, to the protection of the good and to the punishment of evil, according to the intent of the word of God, (Rm. 13:3 and 1 Peter 2:13) as did the men of God as Moses, Joshua, David, Josiah, and others. Read Deut. 17:2,3 and you will understand what God has commanded all magistrates to do.
Eighth, to teach and desire such a supper as Christ himself instituted and administered (Matt. 16:19, Mk. 14:22, & Luke 22:19).
We also teach the true love and fear of God, the true love of our neighbor, to aid and assist all mankind and to injure none; to crucify the flesh and its lusts; to circumcise the heart, mouth, and the whole body with the knife of the Divine Word, of unclean thoughts, unbecoming words and actions. Now consider whether these things are not the will of God, the true doctrine of Christ, ad the true life which is of God--although the gates of hell may willfully oppose them. The eternal word of God will remain immutable forever.


  1. or you can do a search for Debbie Peck.thanks Hannah. Hope things are going well for you. Is it hot down there as well. It has hit for many days here 104 to 110 with the heat index. Can't wait until things cool off.

  2. Hello Hannah!
    I *finally* made it over to your blog ;)
    LOVELY new background and template, dear! Wonderful job on it! Aw, and thank you so much for having me on your sidebar :) *hugs*

    Keep up the good work!
    ~Miss Raquel


This is a site where we all want to impart "grace unto the hearer"(Eph.4:29). Let us not attack each other but admonish with love, if we must rebuke a fellow believer. Also keep in mind I would appreciate no improper language or phrases.
Thank you for sharing your opinions with us.
God bless you,
Miss Hannah

The Simmons Family

The Simmons Family