"Sing praises unto thy name, O most High." Psalm 92:1
How infrequently we give thanks for the overflowing goodness from the Lord's hand! It is refreshing to behold a thankful heart, full of joy and awe of God--his simple and sincere love for us--and the lovely creation he places around us--not just the creation in plants and shrubs, or the star-filled heavens, or the glorious mountains--but also the most special creations of simple things that bring peace to our minds when we choose to dwell on them, contemplating how God is everywhere...you can pick anything, and find something of our Father's world in it.
And must our praise and thanks to the Lord always be hemmed in with our limited language of "A's" and "B's"? No word can describe the ecstasy in my soul when I see something beautiful, simply in my heart I am bursting with thanksgiving and happiness, but with no words to scream out in joy but a silent music playing gleefully in my heart.
When one is enduring trials and temptations--thanksgiving can be very difficult to commit to with our bitter and tried hearts. How can we truly be thankful with such feelings? if our faith is strong enough, it decides if everything is going to be alright and "that decision of faith eternity will soon confirm." ~Judson. Trials usually occur because of choices we have made--there are different kinds of trials for every choice--if one is to decide according to God's word we can trust the trail is for our good and will help us to grow.
There is NOT a trial that God doesn't give for our good. "For whom the Lord loveth he chastenth..." (Heb. 12:6) it is for our profit (vs.10). It is by no means joyous to suffer...but there is no trial that we are not able to endure--for God is faithful, "Who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which ye are able." (I Cor. 10:13).
If we walk with God--to have him as a Friends--to turn to him in trouble--to follow him is obedience and trust that His guidance is pure--to share our dreams and toils with Him--then we are able to find joy and thankfulness. It is this type of companionship that helps endure without bitterness or hurting to affect our courage and trust in Him. We certainly are not immune to suffering--but our relationship with God is.
"Cast all your care upon Him; for he careth for you." I Pet. 5:7
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This is a site where we all want to impart "grace unto the hearer"(Eph.4:29). Let us not attack each other but admonish with love, if we must rebuke a fellow believer. Also keep in mind I would appreciate no improper language or phrases.
Thank you for sharing your opinions with us.
God bless you,
Miss Hannah