Saturday, October 24, 2009

Public Education

The public education of American schools today are ineffective for producing a generation of diligent and morally ground youths who are strong in their church and home life ethics of kindness, politeness, and love: basically "common courtesy."
Instead, I see a group of sloppy, lazy, rebellious, and overgrown kids in the public schools that walk of beating up another student, shooting the teacher, and blowing up the school. There same youths also commit fornication--and you have pregnant 15 year-olds dropping out of high-school. We hear of rape, suicide, murder, and theft from the paper weekly--and much more.
What has happened?! Why are our youths so corrupt?
I believe that parents lack instruction and leadership of Christian virtues have been of large contribution to suicides; I also believe that the public school system has been of great harm--Duet. 6:7 says clearly that parents should teach their children--not an institution of the government.
Why does that girl have a nose ring like a cow--or a lark on her young body she calls a tattoo but looks like the horse's brand of foul words and images...or why is she unmarried, pregnant?
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee...see thou hast forgotten the law of God, I will also forget thy children." Hosea 4:6

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This is a site where we all want to impart "grace unto the hearer"(Eph.4:29). Let us not attack each other but admonish with love, if we must rebuke a fellow believer. Also keep in mind I would appreciate no improper language or phrases.
Thank you for sharing your opinions with us.
God bless you,
Miss Hannah

The Simmons Family

The Simmons Family