"And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down and when thou risest up." Deut. 6:7
I could not put better myself. What can be more important than instructing our children in the word of the Lord in the house and everywhere we go?
The government-run education system today encourages anything BUT Christan ideals, doctrine, and standards. In fact, we see Obama taking steps to encourage homosexual education and abolishing an type of hinted Christianity in our posters, music, and curriculum at a whole.
Also, I think we can be honest with ourselves and see the corrupt atmosphere of the public schools.
Language and behavior is appalling--not to mention the pathetic education government supplies. It has been proved the Gov. tries to keep us ignorant to accomplish their own ends...it's true!
Public schools have no benefits, only down-gradements. WE see in home school a lot of dedication on the parent part, but I assure you, you will be blessed in the end. You will find it bands you with your child. You are also able to control your schedule, you curriculum, and prevent whatever might get into their heads that you don't want from the Gov. propaganda and homosexual ideas, evolution, and atheism trash.
You have seen where the children of today are graduating as--there are a lot of lowlifes and cast aways depending on government-run organizations. Their lives are not founded on the Bible, and they have terrible marriages.
With these thoughts in mind please read the following article:
Our Society Today
By H.S.
Our American society is in a disgrace. Crime, violence, bribery, drugs, abuse of children seem to be drenching every bit of life. The basic structure on which society rests is always moral; our morals determine the type of society in which we are to live, whether we will be free, prosperous, industrious, independent, self-sufficient, show concern for out poor and suffering; whether our laws will be just and wise, and quite importantly--how our government will rule in the fear of God. A nation of true moral excellence will prosper in every was, and correspondingly a nation in moral decline in every way. our declining culture is a result of our declining morals; and our declining morals are largely owning to a decline in the home.
America's troubled homes have affected the church, the school system, and even the government, and consequently America s a whole.
The average home is the root of America's problem; it no longer teaches honor, hard world, self-reliance, sacrifice, fear of God, or individual responsibility and the principles of limited government to the next generation. Without there basic lessons, the next generation will shortly fall; by it's ignorance there will be the consequence of a series of "law traps," and their right and independence will slowly slip away. This would mean a country of prisoners bound to the government, and freedom would be a treasure only dreamed of.
Our "average home" in America today provides a poor education. Good education is essential for progress to the development of a community and to a Nation as whole.However, the government-run schools are not capable of providing a strong, foundational education knowledge of EDUCATION anymore (if they ever were). Schools can teach some things, but with out moral and ethical instruction knowledge of math and science means very little' but these have been lost from the "average home" due to divorce, fornication, adultery, and single, unmarried parents/ Christianity's role is essential to America; but this critical and fundamental basic that made America bloom is now missing in the schools, government, and the home, even to the point of a total exclusion of influence upon all American life in the entire nation.
...(The article,Our Society Today, will be continued in the next Post... we are sorry for the inconvenience).
Please contact me at hannahspiceland@gmail.com if you have question or refutations. Recently our family has considered using a fun, easy, computer based curriculum called Switched on Schoolhouse (SOS); it is a Christian curriculum, and still above public school rates. Please click the link to see details on this curriculum http://www.aophomeschooling.com/. A home school mom told us that she "never would have home schooled if it hadn't been for SOS."
For us, home school isn't an education issue, it's a religious a morality issue we feel God wants us to do for keeping us ornaments pure in His sight.
God's blessings to you.
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This is a site where we all want to impart "grace unto the hearer"(Eph.4:29). Let us not attack each other but admonish with love, if we must rebuke a fellow believer. Also keep in mind I would appreciate no improper language or phrases.
Thank you for sharing your opinions with us.
God bless you,
Miss Hannah