Monday, December 7, 2009

No More

By a Homeschool Mom

When we first started homeschooling, I was so excited to give my children the opportunity to experience every learning situation available. My schedule included lofty ideas of weekly field trips and my children's involvement in any sport, music, or church activity they wanted to attend. After all, we wanted to make sure no one accused us of isolating our children. However, after homeschooling three to four months, I realized my sanity was at stake if I continued to run my four children out the door to each of their daily activities. The half-completed projects and academic assignments that were left behind added additional proof we had a problem. That's when I decided: no more.

New changes were made at our house, and we began to reevaluate what was important to our children's education. Even worthwhile activities within our church and homeschool group had to be analyzed and prayed over. We simply did not have enough time to participate in everything that was available. "Simplify" became my theme, and I rediscovered the joy of homeschooling our children again.

Moses was a great leader in the Bible, but even he had to learn how to simplify his life. After leading God's people out of Egypt, Moses had the awesome responsibility of making this mass of people get along with each other. Imagine dealing with the issues created by millions of people living together out in the wilderness. Moses was burning out fast trying to keep ahead of all the demands. Fortunately, Jethro, his father-in-law, noticed what was happening and gave him some practical ideas to get his life back (Exodus 18:17-27).

What about your family? Are you running from activity to activity and missing the whole point of homeschooling — you know, the schooling you're supposed to be doing at home? Life already has enough demands on us to hurry and miss the joy of loving relationships. Don't let the world pull you off the track God has given you in homeschooling. Guard your time together and pray before you say "yes" to one more thing. Remember, we're not isolating. We're equipping our children to grow in their walk with Christ, and that simply takes time. "See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is" (Ephesians 5:15-17).

Lord, our family is on overload, and we need Your help. Programs and activities have replaced people and relationships, and we need Your discernment to rediscover why we are homeschooling. Bring us back to our first loves — You and each other. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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This is a site where we all want to impart "grace unto the hearer"(Eph.4:29). Let us not attack each other but admonish with love, if we must rebuke a fellow believer. Also keep in mind I would appreciate no improper language or phrases.
Thank you for sharing your opinions with us.
God bless you,
Miss Hannah

The Simmons Family

The Simmons Family