I know that many will disagree with this article, but I wrote it answering the curiosity of a Hindu girl who wrote me with the interest of wanting to learn more about Christianity. I know that many of the subjects are personal opinions and not the general belief, but I wrote what I believe from my heart of what the Bible teaches.
Christians reject the idea of "evolution" as scientifically impossible: order cannot assemble itself from chaos; life cannot spring spontaneously from non-life; all things did not come from nothing. Rather we believe in one God, who put order into nature, and put into creation all living things within a period of six days; that He created man in His image, meaning man was given Hod's Spirit, and he received a soul. By meaning he is created in "His image" I refer to moral qualities...such as love, peace and joy. God "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul."
Christianity does not follow the Greek Mythological idea of reincarnation. We believe that each soul is unique and specially created in His sight.
We also believe that man has free will--the power to make decisions and be responsible for them...which caused man to fall from God's image in the garden of Eden, and know good and evil...to have the ability to know and commit sin. We believe that the wages (punishment) of sin is death.
God's grace doesn't mean He does not see our sin or ignore it--but by coming down and becoming a man, Jesus--He made available a way for all men to have forgiveness of sins by repentance and baptism through His sacrifice on the cross.
The Christian life means a sanctified life, one that is committed to Jesus and promoting His Gospel and following it as well to the ability of our fallen nature--following the Fruits of the Spirit (God's image)--which are love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance; and also observing modesty of dress, the raising of the family, the promotion of the Bible in all branches of our lives (privately and abroad), purity in marriage, and such like.
As to political views, I believe that Christianity should be the basis of the moral and ethical foundation of the government; however, one can see there has been a sad decline away form morals in the political arena of the USA; since about the close of the Civil War, when immigrants form Europe came over many who were not Christian--it changed America's morals and ethics in many different ways.
For instance...consider abortion and homosexuality--Christianity is supposed to be strongly opposed to these things--but it has been protected and even promoted by our government! What a sad thing to be loosing our Christian Heritage to radical and evil decisions by politicians that we nominate. It's frustrating.
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This is a site where we all want to impart "grace unto the hearer"(Eph.4:29). Let us not attack each other but admonish with love, if we must rebuke a fellow believer. Also keep in mind I would appreciate no improper language or phrases.
Thank you for sharing your opinions with us.
God bless you,
Miss Hannah