The world looks at an accomplished woman as one who has a position in the social like of a job and etc. Not so...
The real accomplishments are the homely arts of home-keeping--the woman's work and place in life. Most girls of today WILL enter into jobs outside of the home, yet the vast majority of them will, in the end, become mothers and "Keepers-at-Home" (hopefully).
Since all girls, however, will have a home--the accomplishments of home keeping are what she needs most--for they are what establish the whole structure of the home.
A girl needs to know how:
1. To keep house (make beds, sweep, dust)
2. She should be able to cook good, nutritious food
3. Know know to sew and mend
4. Able to take care of her body and keep it in good condition
5. She should learn some useful way of wage earning
6. Every girl should have a business education,. or at least an understanding of business methods
7. She should know how to entertain and show hospitality with ease and grace
8. To show truth, honesty, honor, obedience, and goodness
Some of these accomplishments, such as sewing, take time to develop--but that's hwy they should be started NOW.
Master being a keeper at home early--it will then be easier when the real thing comes, when you have a home, husband, and children of your own.
And do it with the spirit knowing it is God's Will and happiness to be forming these accomplishments.
God bless.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Foundation of Character
The real foundation of a woman's character can always be found by a constant study and dedication to reading the Word.
Character is not inherited, we build it every day by the things we put around forms our morals and ethics.
Youth is the building time--it is a serious job and can be a hard task. You will not be benefited by following other examples around you if the girls are foolish, giddy, ignorant, rude, lazy or sloppy.
You must set a pattern--the perfect pattern, to work with. Choose with a cautions and prayerful spirit the things you pick for your life--reject all that falls short of your standard--what ever is done, we must never allow ourselves to be guided by what other do. Jesus is our Perfect Pattern--so set you measuring stick by His example. He is our foundation.
Character is not inherited, we build it every day by the things we put around forms our morals and ethics.
Youth is the building time--it is a serious job and can be a hard task. You will not be benefited by following other examples around you if the girls are foolish, giddy, ignorant, rude, lazy or sloppy.
You must set a pattern--the perfect pattern, to work with. Choose with a cautions and prayerful spirit the things you pick for your life--reject all that falls short of your standard--what ever is done, we must never allow ourselves to be guided by what other do. Jesus is our Perfect Pattern--so set you measuring stick by His example. He is our foundation.
A Girl's Ornaments
By Mabel Hale
“Whose adorning [let it be] the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit.”* (I Peter 3:3-4)
The girl is the woman to be, and girlhood is the dressing room for womanhood. The perfect woman has graces and powers of body, mind, and soul that make her able to be the mother of men and to guide them into the right paths of life. Her example and influence are unbounded, not only in her own home but in society in general. No girl can come to this perfect womanhood unless she uses the opportunities of girlhood rightly. If she does not develop a healthy, active body she is handicapped through all her life. If she does not come to womanhood with a mind and soul that are clean and clear and properly directed she cannot rightly fill her place. A vain, silly, giddy woman is just as unfitted for the responsibilities of life in mind and soul as a sick woman is in body. A right attitude toward her dress will not only help a girl to grow strong and vigorous in body, but will aid her in growing strong and beautiful in mind and soul.
Let us always keep in mind that the perfect woman is a Christian woman. To be a true Christian is to take the path in life that was mapped out for us in the life of Christ and to show daily in life and manners the graces and the spirit of Christ. He was “meek and lowly in heart,”* (Matthew 11:29) and showed always the opposite of vanity and pride. Paul speaks to Christian women of the “ornament of a meek and quiet spirit.” And the girl who is growing into a perfect woman is noticed for her kindness, sympathy, gentleness, sweetness of spirit, and her willingness to be of service. There is about her a humility that makes you feel that she does not despise you and think you below her, that she is rather thinking of your happiness than her own personal appearance.
These beautiful graces—kindness, sympathy, humility, gentleness, purity—are the real ornaments of beautiful girlhood. But it is in the ornaments that clothe and beautify her soul and mind that make her a lovable and desirable creature who carries happiness and cheer wherever she goes. Seek first the more beautiful inner ornaments and then clothe the body so that those more important ornaments are not hidden.
Your clothes should not be conspicuous among your comrades, either as old-fashioned or odd, nor as being smart and daring. It is not a trait of beautiful girlhood to expose the person in a way to call forth coarse remarks and criticisms. It is impossible to point out certain things that are wrong, for a fad that is causing strong comment today may in a few years be forgotten, but this principle always holds good: that our girls who are striving for a beautiful girlhood and a clean and useful womanhood should always dress so as to appear modest and quiet and inconspicuous in their environments. The same thing is true of the use of jewelry and any ornaments. For a girl to be wearing jewelry and gems gives her an appearance of pride and haughtiness that is not at all in keeping with a Christlike spirit nor with a girlhood beautiful. To drape herself with jewelry makes her appear silly and vain. But any girl can easily settle these matters for herself if she will keep in mind that her business is always to keep in evidence the true ornaments of mind and soul and then be careful that in clothing and beautifying her body, she does not dim her more precious ornaments.
There is yet another angle regarding dress that our girls should keep in mind. Good girls behaving as they should are one of the strongest influences for good in the lives of their boy associates, and every girl striving for a clean and beautiful girlhood should not in dress or action do that which in any way lowers her in the estimation of clean-minded boys, nor causes her to become a temptation to those who are weak.
“Whose adorning [let it be] the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit.”* (I Peter 3:3-4)
The girl is the woman to be, and girlhood is the dressing room for womanhood. The perfect woman has graces and powers of body, mind, and soul that make her able to be the mother of men and to guide them into the right paths of life. Her example and influence are unbounded, not only in her own home but in society in general. No girl can come to this perfect womanhood unless she uses the opportunities of girlhood rightly. If she does not develop a healthy, active body she is handicapped through all her life. If she does not come to womanhood with a mind and soul that are clean and clear and properly directed she cannot rightly fill her place. A vain, silly, giddy woman is just as unfitted for the responsibilities of life in mind and soul as a sick woman is in body. A right attitude toward her dress will not only help a girl to grow strong and vigorous in body, but will aid her in growing strong and beautiful in mind and soul.
Let us always keep in mind that the perfect woman is a Christian woman. To be a true Christian is to take the path in life that was mapped out for us in the life of Christ and to show daily in life and manners the graces and the spirit of Christ. He was “meek and lowly in heart,”* (Matthew 11:29) and showed always the opposite of vanity and pride. Paul speaks to Christian women of the “ornament of a meek and quiet spirit.” And the girl who is growing into a perfect woman is noticed for her kindness, sympathy, gentleness, sweetness of spirit, and her willingness to be of service. There is about her a humility that makes you feel that she does not despise you and think you below her, that she is rather thinking of your happiness than her own personal appearance.
These beautiful graces—kindness, sympathy, humility, gentleness, purity—are the real ornaments of beautiful girlhood. But it is in the ornaments that clothe and beautify her soul and mind that make her a lovable and desirable creature who carries happiness and cheer wherever she goes. Seek first the more beautiful inner ornaments and then clothe the body so that those more important ornaments are not hidden.
Your clothes should not be conspicuous among your comrades, either as old-fashioned or odd, nor as being smart and daring. It is not a trait of beautiful girlhood to expose the person in a way to call forth coarse remarks and criticisms. It is impossible to point out certain things that are wrong, for a fad that is causing strong comment today may in a few years be forgotten, but this principle always holds good: that our girls who are striving for a beautiful girlhood and a clean and useful womanhood should always dress so as to appear modest and quiet and inconspicuous in their environments. The same thing is true of the use of jewelry and any ornaments. For a girl to be wearing jewelry and gems gives her an appearance of pride and haughtiness that is not at all in keeping with a Christlike spirit nor with a girlhood beautiful. To drape herself with jewelry makes her appear silly and vain. But any girl can easily settle these matters for herself if she will keep in mind that her business is always to keep in evidence the true ornaments of mind and soul and then be careful that in clothing and beautifying her body, she does not dim her more precious ornaments.
There is yet another angle regarding dress that our girls should keep in mind. Good girls behaving as they should are one of the strongest influences for good in the lives of their boy associates, and every girl striving for a clean and beautiful girlhood should not in dress or action do that which in any way lowers her in the estimation of clean-minded boys, nor causes her to become a temptation to those who are weak.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Our American Religion, Christianity--and the General Argeement On Our Political Views
I know that many will disagree with this article, but I wrote it answering the curiosity of a Hindu girl who wrote me with the interest of wanting to learn more about Christianity. I know that many of the subjects are personal opinions and not the general belief, but I wrote what I believe from my heart of what the Bible teaches.
Christians reject the idea of "evolution" as scientifically impossible: order cannot assemble itself from chaos; life cannot spring spontaneously from non-life; all things did not come from nothing. Rather we believe in one God, who put order into nature, and put into creation all living things within a period of six days; that He created man in His image, meaning man was given Hod's Spirit, and he received a soul. By meaning he is created in "His image" I refer to moral qualities...such as love, peace and joy. God "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul."
Christianity does not follow the Greek Mythological idea of reincarnation. We believe that each soul is unique and specially created in His sight.
We also believe that man has free will--the power to make decisions and be responsible for them...which caused man to fall from God's image in the garden of Eden, and know good and have the ability to know and commit sin. We believe that the wages (punishment) of sin is death.
God's grace doesn't mean He does not see our sin or ignore it--but by coming down and becoming a man, Jesus--He made available a way for all men to have forgiveness of sins by repentance and baptism through His sacrifice on the cross.
The Christian life means a sanctified life, one that is committed to Jesus and promoting His Gospel and following it as well to the ability of our fallen nature--following the Fruits of the Spirit (God's image)--which are love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance; and also observing modesty of dress, the raising of the family, the promotion of the Bible in all branches of our lives (privately and abroad), purity in marriage, and such like.
As to political views, I believe that Christianity should be the basis of the moral and ethical foundation of the government; however, one can see there has been a sad decline away form morals in the political arena of the USA; since about the close of the Civil War, when immigrants form Europe came over many who were not Christian--it changed America's morals and ethics in many different ways.
For instance...consider abortion and homosexuality--Christianity is supposed to be strongly opposed to these things--but it has been protected and even promoted by our government! What a sad thing to be loosing our Christian Heritage to radical and evil decisions by politicians that we nominate. It's frustrating.
Christians reject the idea of "evolution" as scientifically impossible: order cannot assemble itself from chaos; life cannot spring spontaneously from non-life; all things did not come from nothing. Rather we believe in one God, who put order into nature, and put into creation all living things within a period of six days; that He created man in His image, meaning man was given Hod's Spirit, and he received a soul. By meaning he is created in "His image" I refer to moral qualities...such as love, peace and joy. God "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul."
Christianity does not follow the Greek Mythological idea of reincarnation. We believe that each soul is unique and specially created in His sight.
We also believe that man has free will--the power to make decisions and be responsible for them...which caused man to fall from God's image in the garden of Eden, and know good and have the ability to know and commit sin. We believe that the wages (punishment) of sin is death.
God's grace doesn't mean He does not see our sin or ignore it--but by coming down and becoming a man, Jesus--He made available a way for all men to have forgiveness of sins by repentance and baptism through His sacrifice on the cross.
The Christian life means a sanctified life, one that is committed to Jesus and promoting His Gospel and following it as well to the ability of our fallen nature--following the Fruits of the Spirit (God's image)--which are love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance; and also observing modesty of dress, the raising of the family, the promotion of the Bible in all branches of our lives (privately and abroad), purity in marriage, and such like.
As to political views, I believe that Christianity should be the basis of the moral and ethical foundation of the government; however, one can see there has been a sad decline away form morals in the political arena of the USA; since about the close of the Civil War, when immigrants form Europe came over many who were not Christian--it changed America's morals and ethics in many different ways.
For instance...consider abortion and homosexuality--Christianity is supposed to be strongly opposed to these things--but it has been protected and even promoted by our government! What a sad thing to be loosing our Christian Heritage to radical and evil decisions by politicians that we nominate. It's frustrating.
Providing an Orderly Environment in the Home
"Let all things be done decently and in order." I Corinthians 14:40
God's creation is founded upon order. Yet the complexity of the simplest thing astounds the most learned scientist...but that simplest thing is still formed upon a detailed arrangement of order.
As we try to apply order to our own lives and homes we don't usually consider the grave importance of why--besides providing and clean house to breathe and function.
Really--I think the question should take a turn for-- "Does a peaceful environment, produced by household tasks, mean anything to encourage order in the future lives of our kids?"
Clutter and disarray usually contributes to chaos and confusion in the home, and children have to live with whatever we put there.
Cleanliness naturally leaves one with a sense of rest and peace. Also and openness of a room refreshes one to clear thinking and concentration--not being led and distracted to articles about.
Both of these environments are also important to not only thinking--but for homeschooling. Whether it is a kitchen table or a special room for schooling, the area should be put into the best arraignment. It has been proven that a peaceful, quiet, and clean atmosphere provides the student with the best surroundings to the clear judgement and outcome of their work.
We should not resent household 'drudgery," but we should see that is is God's wish for us t have order, and it is to His glory.
Household tasks are a granted and holy privilege ordained by God; they are apart of the great calling of raising a generation for Him, and we should give them the best we can to construct their futures.
God bless.
God's creation is founded upon order. Yet the complexity of the simplest thing astounds the most learned scientist...but that simplest thing is still formed upon a detailed arrangement of order.
As we try to apply order to our own lives and homes we don't usually consider the grave importance of why--besides providing and clean house to breathe and function.
Really--I think the question should take a turn for-- "Does a peaceful environment, produced by household tasks, mean anything to encourage order in the future lives of our kids?"
Clutter and disarray usually contributes to chaos and confusion in the home, and children have to live with whatever we put there.
Cleanliness naturally leaves one with a sense of rest and peace. Also and openness of a room refreshes one to clear thinking and concentration--not being led and distracted to articles about.
Both of these environments are also important to not only thinking--but for homeschooling. Whether it is a kitchen table or a special room for schooling, the area should be put into the best arraignment. It has been proven that a peaceful, quiet, and clean atmosphere provides the student with the best surroundings to the clear judgement and outcome of their work.
We should not resent household 'drudgery," but we should see that is is God's wish for us t have order, and it is to His glory.
Household tasks are a granted and holy privilege ordained by God; they are apart of the great calling of raising a generation for Him, and we should give them the best we can to construct their futures.
God bless.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Inspiring Children Unto Good Things
What do you want your children's ideals to be? Send them to the public school and you've lost your best way to teach and to place in their hearts what you want for them, Christianity and its ethics.
Here is a list of Christian ethic that should be instilled in children:
1. Modesty in your girls
2. Caring for the poor and widows
3. A care for the elderly
4. A strong sense of manners
5. A Christian home-school education
6.A strong knowledge of the Scriptures
7. An honor for parents
8. A want for church family life
9. Order and Cleanliness
10. A knowledge of sewing (girls)
11. Gallantry and gentleman's behavior in boys
12. A love of serving God to the best of their ability
This is a shamefully short list--but I listed the most essential, obvious ones. We have lost a lot of these qualities thanks to a dividing of the American, Christian home. A parent's example will be a child's blueprint for life--even is the next generation where to break form the mold the influence of the parents example will always be there--somewhere.
We must remember that siblings are of influence too. An immodest sister will encourage the younger to copy her. Crude manners of a brother will poison the sweet, polite tone of the younger.
We must inspire ideals that are wholesome, founded, positive, pure--strive for perfection! How as St. Peter's home ordered--what were his ideals for his family? What qualities of obedience were in his wife? What rules did they lay out together for the ethics of the home?
"But as he called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation." I Peter 1:15
"For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness." I Thess. 4:7
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." Matt. 5:48
Aspire to inspire!
Here is a list of Christian ethic that should be instilled in children:
1. Modesty in your girls
2. Caring for the poor and widows
3. A care for the elderly
4. A strong sense of manners
5. A Christian home-school education
6.A strong knowledge of the Scriptures
7. An honor for parents
8. A want for church family life
9. Order and Cleanliness
10. A knowledge of sewing (girls)
11. Gallantry and gentleman's behavior in boys
12. A love of serving God to the best of their ability
This is a shamefully short list--but I listed the most essential, obvious ones. We have lost a lot of these qualities thanks to a dividing of the American, Christian home. A parent's example will be a child's blueprint for life--even is the next generation where to break form the mold the influence of the parents example will always be there--somewhere.
We must remember that siblings are of influence too. An immodest sister will encourage the younger to copy her. Crude manners of a brother will poison the sweet, polite tone of the younger.
We must inspire ideals that are wholesome, founded, positive, pure--strive for perfection! How as St. Peter's home ordered--what were his ideals for his family? What qualities of obedience were in his wife? What rules did they lay out together for the ethics of the home?
"But as he called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation." I Peter 1:15
"For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness." I Thess. 4:7
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." Matt. 5:48
Aspire to inspire!
Feminism and Its Effects on America
Many women of today are working for the most evil game of history--Feminism.
All over America, we can see the "Liberation" movement working. IN every town, there are women busy to abolish the traditional, Christian family, legalize pro-abortion (Which thanks to the Obamanation has practically been fulfilled), homosexuality, socialism, and encourage short, they are trying to kill anything associated with Christianity.
I think we can thank a lot of feminists for today's problems and society's degradement. Feminism teaches that are thought of by men as the "lesser" and the "degraded sex"--down to the point of the disgraced position of prostitutes, and not elevating us to the beauty of refreshment of Christian, woman, mother, and wife hood.
Feminism? It is NOT promoting femininity--it's promoting man-hood ideas. It is anti-feminine. Why would I want to look and do like a man when I have been lucky enough to have the blessing of being born a woman? It's insanity to let ourselves think that being at war with kids and the home is our calling.
Christian womanhood is being abandoned by many women everyday, leaving their little infants and children to government institutions, and working. Could leaving the comfortable home routine and being condemned to business suits, set hours, governed times and events of the entire day--mean more Independence? More freedom? More happiness? NO! Feminism equals misery and selfishness. It is not God's plan for women--it should not be yours either.
All over America, we can see the "Liberation" movement working. IN every town, there are women busy to abolish the traditional, Christian family, legalize pro-abortion (Which thanks to the Obamanation has practically been fulfilled), homosexuality, socialism, and encourage short, they are trying to kill anything associated with Christianity.
I think we can thank a lot of feminists for today's problems and society's degradement. Feminism teaches that are thought of by men as the "lesser" and the "degraded sex"--down to the point of the disgraced position of prostitutes, and not elevating us to the beauty of refreshment of Christian, woman, mother, and wife hood.
Feminism? It is NOT promoting femininity--it's promoting man-hood ideas. It is anti-feminine. Why would I want to look and do like a man when I have been lucky enough to have the blessing of being born a woman? It's insanity to let ourselves think that being at war with kids and the home is our calling.
Christian womanhood is being abandoned by many women everyday, leaving their little infants and children to government institutions, and working. Could leaving the comfortable home routine and being condemned to business suits, set hours, governed times and events of the entire day--mean more Independence? More freedom? More happiness? NO! Feminism equals misery and selfishness. It is not God's plan for women--it should not be yours either.
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